RAW Fanthology: Inverno Comic Script

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My partner and I wrote a script for a Hannibal fan comic anthology that was accepted back in November. The final copy is set to be released soon so I'm posting my script here for reference.

Inverno (Winter)
RAW Anthology Entry
Will is laying in his bed in his home in Wolftrap. His bed is surrounded by rotting flowers as he lays dreaming
"With all my knowledge, I could never predict you Will. I can whisper to the chrysalis, but what emerges is beyond me."

Will awakes in his bed. Everything is covered in rotting flowers and moths.
I sit stagnate in this world
It is snowing silently outside. Hannibal's notebook and pen are still resting on the edge of his bed where he left it the night before.
Silently watching our decadence and glamour rot away in your absence.
Will looks up across the room. A large door is now resting in the place where his fire place once was.
What a fool I was to think I could strip myself of you so easily.
Flash forward to Will visiting Abigail's grave.
We've taken so much from each other.
Will is sitting in his house against the wall. He is drinking from a bottle of whiskey surrounded by his dogs.
My head is filled with empty rooms and closed doors.
He looks drunkenly across at the door.
But yours won't shut.
It's fall  and Will is walking through the woods with his dogs.
As my world begins to change
He meets Molly in the woods.
The loneliness fades.
 Molly and Will embrace in their new home and a ring is visible on Will’s hand.

It becomes bearable.
As he hugs her he is staring across the room. Down the hallway is the same door, the light shining through the small crack.
But she isn't you.
Will is sitting in his hotel room surrounded by crime scene photos from the most recent murder in the Tooth Fairy case. A glass of whiskey is on the table and he appears frustrated.
I can't escape this life, no matter how much I change it.
Will looks away from the photos and across the room where the large door to him and Hannibal’s shared mind palace resides.
You refuse to be erased.
He gets up and approaches it.
You refuse to rot.
Will reaches his hand out to grab the handle and push it open. The light floods over him.
And I refuse to forget.
Various flashes of Will’s past with Hannibal are shown. They show his most intimate moments such as when they first meet, Will being locked in jail and staring at Hannibal, the stabbing, the meeting at the museum.
From the moment we first met I was drawn to you. As my world became blacker, you led me in to rooms in my mind I had been too afraid to open.
Will is seated at Mason’s table, his mouth red with blood from biting Cordell’s cheek.
I became your monster.
His lips turn up in to a smile.
And you changed me.
Fast-forward to Will covered in blood, standing in the moonlight. He smiles up at Hannibal.
For the better.
Will intimately embraces him.
This strange love
They fall off the edge of the cliff.
These feelings
As Will hits the water he loses Hannibal.
They weigh me down
Opening his eyes he looks up through the dark water.
They fill my lungs with decay
He reaches out to him after a moment of hesitation.
But with you
Hannibal grabs his hand.
Everything becomes clearer
Will pulls him in to a kiss.
And together
They sink in to the open door to their linked mind palace.
We will rot away
The door snaps shut beneath the water.
Behind closed doors.



                                      This is our design.