About Me

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( comic by Rosebarf)

Name: Starling (Kim)

Age: 24

Home Town: Kalamazoo, MI

Kim is a 24 year old writer who specializes in comics, Plays, short stories, fan work, and blogging. She attended Western Michigan University where she recieved a degree in Gender & Women Studies, Film, and Creative Writing. When she isn't collaborating with her amazing partner Rose (Rosieaghost,) she is working as a Practice Support Assistant at Bronson Hospital, swimming, and taking care of their two cats panda and Mini. Her work has been featured in RAW: A Hannibal Fanthology set to be released in May as well as Kalamazoo Playfest, and Western Michigan's New Play Project 2013 & 2014. She is cowriter of 'Smitten Mitten' and the future head writer of her and her partners studio Goul Gardens (name pending.)

Tumblr: (x)     Ao3: (x)   Short Hannibal Comic (x)    RAW Fanthology Script (x)