Intro, Kickstarter, and Things To Come

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Pardon the dust everyone, this blog has a lot of things going on with it that I don't quite understand yet but I've been trying for months to get this blog running after putting it together about a year ago.

First off, thank you to everyone reading this. I hope you can bare with me while I struggle through figuring out what it is I am even doing. Now that the Hannibal hype has died down I feel the need to use this space in a more professional manner than that of my Tumblr blog. I will be linking articles I write to my Tumblr page as well as any writing or fanfiction I put together.

So as many of my followers might have already discovered, my girlfriend Roseiaghost and I have a comic piece featured in the vividly popular 'Raw Hannibal & Will Fanthology' currently up on Kickstarter.

As a group, we never expected this to take off as fast as it did. If you have not considered picking up a copy, please do! We have raised so much money in the last few days the books are now going to be hardcover. I'm super pumped! And it's all thanks to all of you that we can make such beautiful books.

Here is a small preview of Rose and I's piece:

If you are coming from Tumblr to follow me here, please let me know what you would like to possibly see from me. Also, if there are any mistakes in my posts or things not working on my blog please let me know (this entire thing is going to be a learning experience for me.) 

The next chapter of 'Scraps' should be coming soon as well as several articles including 'Supernatural vs. Hannibal: why you can't compare the two' and 'Anime Conventions in Your Twenties' as well as 'A Very Honest Tell All of my Disney College Program Experience.' I may even attempted art on here once I suck it up and put a pencil to paper.